Here you can find more information about the animal Doctorfish




About me: Hello, I am a surgeonfish and you surely know one of my subspecies from the movie "Finding Nemo" as Dori. In nature I behave very diverse concerning schooling, but since I am ultimately territorial and have a comparatively high aggression potential towards conspecifics, it is strictly recommended to keep me as a loner. In case you are wondering, because I don't have any total hardness data, it is not known. Furthermore I am very susceptible to diseases and just for this reason not suitable for beginner aquarists.
Size: 11.81 inch - 19.69 inch
PH value: 8.20 - 8.40
Water hardness: 0.00 - 0.00º dGH
Temperature: 24.00 - 27.00 ºC
Schwimming position: Überall
Aquascaping ?: Coral reef
Feed: Dry/frozen and live food and also: Spinach, dandelion, cucumber, seaweed leaves
Minimal tank capacity: 2000 liters
Minimal edge length: 78.74 inch
Minimal edge height: Unknown
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Stream: Yes
Swarm or group behavior: No
Colorful: Yes
Fresh water: No
Salt water: Yes
Socialization possible: Yes

This are my friends

False percula clownfish
False percula clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris
PH value:8,00 - 8,40
Temperature:23,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:0,00 - 18,00º dGH
Orange Clownfish / False percula clownfish
Orange Clownfish / False percula clownfish
Amphiprion percula
PH value:8,00 - 8,40
Temperature:23,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:0,00 - 18,00º dGH