Here you can find more information about the animal Gourami




About me: Hello, I am a gourami. On the photo you see a blue one, but there are many different species of me and therefore all possible colors. Regarding my keeping, it is important that only one species of gourami is kept in an aquarium at a time. Why? We are very active and therefore no other lively fish should meet us. Also the fact, that we are a breed-forming fish, plays a role in this. Well, it also follows that more females than males of the keeping species live together in an aquarium. Under the conditions the tempers are calmed down to a certain extent.
General information: Males more aggressive than females
Size: 2.36 inch - 5.91 inch
PH value: 6.00 - 7.80
Water hardness: 5.00 - 19.00º dGH
Temperature: 22.00 - 28.00 ºC
Schwimming position: Oben
Aquascaping ?: Roots, border planting, floating plants
Feed: Dry/frozen and live food and also: Spinach, lettuce, cucumber, seaweed
Minimal tank capacity: 150 liters
Minimal edge length: 23.62 inch
Minimal edge height: Unknown
Origin: Sumatra, Vietnam
Stream: Yes
Swarm or group behavior: No
Colorful: Yes
Fresh water: Yes
Salt water: No
Socialization possible: Yes

This are my friends

African butterfly fish
African butterfly fish
Pantodon buchholzi
PH value:6,00 - 6,80
Temperature:25,00 - 30,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 10,00º dGH
Ansorge's tetra
Ansorge's tetra
Neolebias ansorgii
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:22,00 - 26,00 ºC
Water hardness:4,00 - 15,00º dGH
Blue Congo Tetra
Blue Congo Tetra
Phenacogrammus interruptus
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:23,00 - 27,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 10,00º dGH
Blue phantom catfish
Blue phantom catfish
Hemiancistrus spec.
PH value:6,00 - 7,50
Temperature:25,00 - 29,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 15,00º dGH
Bronze corydoras
Bronze corydoras
Corydoras aeneus
PH value:6,00 - 8,00
Temperature:24,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 20,00º dGH
Bushymouth Catfish
Bushymouth Catfish
Ancistrus dolichopterus
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:26,00 - 29,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 20,00º dGH
Clown loach
Clown loach
Chromobotia macracanthus
PH value:6,00 - 7,50
Temperature:24,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 19,00º dGH
Discus Fish
Discus Fish
PH value:5,50 - 7,00
Temperature:28,00 - 30,00 ºC
Water hardness:4,00 - 6,00º dGH
Glow-Eye Puffer
Glow-Eye Puffer
Tetraodon cutcutia
PH value:6,00 - 8,00
Temperature:8,00 - 22,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 15,00º dGH
Carassius auratus
PH value:6,50 - 8,50
Temperature:12,00 - 23,00 ºC
Water hardness:8,00 - 25,00º dGH
Cyrtocara moorii
PH value:7,50 - 8,50
Temperature:24,00 - 26,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 19,00º dGH
Neon tetra
Neon tetra
Paracheirodon innesi
PH value:5,00 - 7,50
Temperature:20,00 - 26,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 25,00º dGH
Rainbow shiner
Rainbow shiner
Notropis chrosomus
PH value:6,50 - 8,00
Temperature:4,00 - 26,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 25,00º dGH
Red neon fish
Red neon fish
Paracheirodon axelrodi
PH value:5,00 - 6,50
Temperature:23,00 - 27,00 ºC
Water hardness:3,00 - 12,00º dGH
Sterba's corydoras
Sterba's corydoras
Corydoras sterbai
PH value:6,00 - 7,50
Temperature:24,00 - 26,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 15,00º dGH
PH value:7,00 - 8,00
Temperature:22,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 30,00º dGH